News & Updates:
Chief & Council Updates:
November 9, 2023 – Update Regarding Administration of Piapot First Nation TLE and Specific Claim
Reserve Lands
News Release:
October 10, 2023 – Piapot Land Holdings TLE and Specific Claims Lands Under New Management
September 18, 2023 – BCR Land Transfer (2023-2024-020)
Piapot first nation is under the RLEMP (Reserve Land and Environment Program) since 2004.
Lands is responsible for ensuring compliance with Indian Act, Land Management and Procedures Policy, INAC Policies, and related Federal Provincial Legislation as they pertain to Lands, as well as internal Policies and Procedures of the Band.
Lands department drafts, negotiates, mediates, monitor and administer the terms and conditions and contained in all land transactions. They are also directly responsible for becoming familiar with and utilizing Netlands (new program replacing netlands) and Indian Lands Registry System (I.L.R.S.) SaskInteractive mapping; ISC Environment Screening Tool.
The department deals with provincial and federal ministries in regards to reserve creation. Also, preparing BCR’s for Chief and Council consent for initiating lands for reserve creation and ARC BCR’s for the lands to become reserve.


Deverell Crowe
Lands, Resources & Economic Development Manager
(306) 781-4848